what does equivocal mean in a blood test hsv

I did a recent and my lifes first std check and hsv1 came back with equivocal result. All results under 3.5 are suspect, and the closer to 1.0, the more likely the result is false. The HSV 2 blood test is useful when it has never been given before. I was always positive for hsv-1 and negative for hsv-2. The test is looking for evidence of infection by the herpes simplex virus, a common virus that may be sexually transmitted and causes small fever blisters ( vesicles) on the mouth or genitals. <.90 Negative. Genital herpes, caused by HSV-1 or HSV-2, affects one out of every six people in the U.S. age 14 to 49. The results of a herpes blood test will generally be reported as positive, negative, or equivocal. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. Viral culture. Laboratory Testing. A needle is inserted into the vein. Other common diseases caused by various herpes strains include chickenpox or shingles (caused by herpes zoster virus) and Kaposi's sarcoma (caused by herpes virus 8). While the test does not identify the actual virus, it points out certain proteins that are produced by the body in response to the virus. Your result might be technically equivocal, but an ELISA ratio of 1.02 is negative for all practical purposes. Some less than scrupulous labs and providers might tell you to get an IgM test. Re: equivocal HSV2 test. (4 replies) . Faulty techniques or faulty testing kit. HSV is a common infection that causes herpes. Stupidly, we had unprotected sex on 2 occasions. If you get a "positive" result from the viral culture or PCR tests, it likely means you have herpes. Confirm varicella in severe cases (hospitalizations or deaths) or unusual cases. CDC. Although rare, it is a serious condition where the baby contracts herpes during vaginal birth. . Most genital herpes is caused by HSV-2. . It is in a dormant state and hides from the immune system. These newer tests detect IgG antibodies directed against the cell wall protein specific for HSV-1 or HSV-2. For HVS 1 it said: It looks as if you're negative for type I and positive for type II Laboratory Results Test Code Description Result Range Units 3108 HERPES SIMPLEX 1 IGG 0.20 - NEGATIVE: 0.90 IV EQUIVOCAL: 0.90 - 1.10 IV POSITIVE: > 1.10 IV Your reading for type I is .2 which is less than .90 IV. I worry because while I always wear a condom, I've had unprotected oral sex a couple . Do the retest. This test is not commonly done for that reason, Blood test for IgG. It is not acceptable proof of immunity. Various viruses from the herpes family seen using an electron microscope. A positive blood test does not indicate the site of the infection. When the symptoms of genital herpes are present, this is generally referred to as a "flare up" or "having an outbreak." They can appear as blisters that are on the rectum, genitals, or even the mouth. An equivocal test simply means that the results were unclear. Does anyone know to read these test results accurately? Keep in mind that there's no such thing as "safe" sex, only safer sex, which means using protection and being open and honest. A serum herpes simplex antibodies test is a blood test that checks for the presence of antibodies to the herpes simplex virus (HSV). If you've been . What does negative equivocal positive mean - Answered by a verified Doctor. An equivocal test result means that the test was unable to determine whether or not there was an antibody present. 0.3 mL serum. Equivocal means just that - you aren't positive but you aren't really negative either. Serology tests do not provide any information about whether symptoms (genital or oral) are due to herpes. Between 8 milliliters and 10 milliliters of blood is extracted into a vacuum-sealed test tube. Reasons for this may include: There is an immune response but it's not strong enough to give a positive result. Testing for HSV type-specific antibodies can be used to diagnose HSV infection. I was tested in September 2020, results the same. I just got my bi-annual STD results back today and got Equivocal results for HSV-1 it says ".95 H" ( I have no idea what the H stands for). Negative0.9 Equivocal 0.9-1.0 Positive >1.0 HSV,Igm I/II Combination because it states the ratio read more. The virus is highly contagious and can be transmitted by physical contact as well as sexual activity. noun equivocal Open to more than one interpretation; ambiguous. Thus, confirmatory testing only of sera with low-positive HSV-2 IgG indices misses some false-positive and indeterminate samples, leading to misdiagnosis of HSV-2 . A negative result means no IgM is detected. Does this mean positive? HSV-1 primarily causes oral herpes, while HSV-2 most often causes genital herpes. You might or might not have HSV-1, but even that is such a low level that it might be false, especially since earlier testing was negative. Thank you so much doctors? Confirm varicella as the cause of outbreaks. The injection site is cleaned with an antiseptic swab. Experts don't screen for herpes for a few reasons. Determine susceptibility to varicella. Herpes can appear . Genital herpes infections can be asymptomatic, or can show up as outbreaks of blisters or sores. The effect of the virus is generally exhibited in the mouth, genitals, or the anal area and it can result in the formation of sores or blisters. In 2016, among people between ages 14 and 49, the prevalence of HSV-2 was 12 percent . HSV-2 positive. What do you do? Determine if suspected vaccine-related adverse events were caused by vaccine-strain VZV. An HSV-1 test result value that is 0.9 or less indicates a negative result, this means that there is no significant level of detectable IgG antibodies. It is a lifelong chronic infection. Herpes simplex is a widely spread virus that affects millions of people all around the globe. You answered it by mentioning some people have certain proteins in their blood that are associated with HSV-2. a result that is not clearly normal or abnormal is called inconclusive or equivocal, 1) if titer says less then 0.91 its 100% negative for simplex, and what they mean, this was done in a bc lab, resources nov 25, if the doctor who really ordered the test thinks a patient has an autoimmune disease, equivocal, - herpes information, alternative name . It was an HSV IgG test. Equivocal:Equivocal results are indeterminate. Found out 9-27-07. Gino3by4. Can this be passed to someone else? Patient may or may not have immunity to Varicella Virus. Herpes blood tests can be negative even though someone is actually infected. It sounds like you need specialist counselling around your previous experience. This test does not indicate the site of HSV infection. Private MD Labs provides HSV 1 & 2 testing to help you uncover this disease in your system. Equivocal does not mean positive. Two types of HSV can cause genital herpes: HSV-1 and HSV-2. More than likely it's a false positive. Therefore, based on the CDC, IDSA, and AAP recommendations, and based on our internal utilization review, MCL will discontinue HSV IgM testing. Description: Candida IgA, IgM, IgG Blood Test. The . It is difficult to say whether the infection is recent as IgM detection is unreliable and avidity studies are not commonly available. 1.10 IV or greater: Positive - IgG antibody to HSV detected which may indicate a current or past HSV infection. 0050379 Earliest time. "The U.S. Preventative [Services] Task Force has recommended against screening asymptomatic adolescents and adults for HSV infections. There are two main types of HSV: HSV-1, which usually causes blisters or cold sores around the mouth (oral herpes) HSV-2, which usually causes blisters or sores in the genital area ( genital herpes . Useful methods include testing an actual lesion. . . Genital herpes is a chronic, lifelong viral infection. Kind of in the middle so retesting after a period is usually recommended. They do not cause any discomfort, just embarrassment. The new tests for herpes, called type-specific serologic tests, distinguish between HSV-2 and HSV-1, the other type of herpes simplex virus. In both assays, 51% of 63 indeterminate sera (inhibition by HSV-1 lysate) had indices >3.50. Depends on details: Numbers are just numbers. I've had pimples on my buttocks (only) off and on but most of my adult life. The antibody titer of a single serum A positive result means that IgG was detected, while a negative result means than no IgG was detected. The Herpes Blood Test looks for the herpes IgG antibodies in the blood. Sometimes, there is some other thing in your blood that looks like herpes antibody that is falsely triggering this index value. You may have had an infection in the past caused by another virus in the coronavirus family. 2) Blood tests take 3-6 months to turn positive after exposure because it takes 3-6 months for your body to make IgG antibodies in response to an infection. Since then I had 1 sexual partner. After primary infection, the virus stays with you for life in the cell bodies of neurons. Rarely, seroconversion can take as long as 6 months after acquisition of infection. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Note that the Type 1 and Type 2 assays may also be ordered individually. If the test comes back as negative, then this is a general indication that the herpes virus is not present. Jun 23, 2010 It is estimated that 1 in 6 people . A positive blood test does not tell if . 3 weeks after contracting the disease, over 50% of infected people are positive for herpes. The assay is reported as either positive or negative because the magnitude of the IgG level cannot be correlated to the amount of antibody present. . Do the retest. Additional Information. If your HSV2 blood test results come back as positive, then this is a general indication that the herpes virus is present. I'm female, he's male if that helps. It would just end up causing people who don't and will never present symptoms a lot of anxiety. This obsoletion will lead to the discontinuation of the test codes listed below, including the HSV IgM stand-alone test and the HSV IgM/IgG panel. To get accurate test results, this should be done within 48 hours of the appearance of the lesion .Note that technique and timing are important. The idea behind the equivocal result range is that it's getting close to the low positive range and that your provider should consider additional testing to rule out a recent infection. The detection of HSV-1 IgG or HSV-2 IgG or both in a single serum sample represents HSV infection with HSV at some time. It can take up to 16 weeks to for virtually anyone with herpes to have the antibodies show up in an STD blood test. I did a std test and the one I am concern with is hsv, I/II. An equivocal report indicates that the test was unable to determine any specific result. The HSV2 blood test does have a history of providing some false results, so it is . These common viral conditions are transmitted through intimate person-to-person contact. Negative; 0.90 IV or less; Equivocal; 0.91-1.09 IV; Positive; 1.10 IV or more; HSV-1 Test Results Interpretation Using IgG. The HSV IgM test is a blood test that is used to detect the presence of the virus in the system. Confirm varicella in severe cases (hospitalizations or deaths) or unusual cases. A negative result means that no IgM was detected. Contact with genital or oral Herpes virus will inevitably represent continued carrier state, whether I or II or both. The US uses a different scale to test for herpes so I'm not familar with what your numbers mean. I was just wondering if there was any common links with these people but maybe there just isn't enough research yet. Result say0.9-1.09 is equivocal. Laboratory testing is recommended to: Confirm suspected cases of varicella. It depends on the reference ranges at that lab, and which range 54.10 is in. . Determine if suspected vaccine-related adverse events were caused by vaccine-strain VZV. The mean time to seroconversion using the type specific assay is 25 days. Herpes 2 is the stronger, less common form of the Herpes virus. Occasionally, HSV will reactivate and will be capable of infecting new hosts. Specific typing is not usually required for diagnosis or treatment. A positive result means that the virus was detected and a negative result means it was not found. HSV-2 IgG antibodies .16 <.90. .90-1.10 Euivocal. Herpes IgM Test Results A positive test result means herpes IgM was detected in the sample. What does equivocal results mean? Please note that this test is not recommended as the primary testing method for the . H erpes is a lifelong infection, but . Hi, I did a std test and the one I am concern with is hsv, I/II IgG, result 10.1 High index 0.0-0.8. Obtain an IgM test to see if you are actually a carrier for either Herpes I or II. If you had gotten herpes 2 10 years ago then the blood test would show positive by now as it generally takes 3 - 4 months for the antibodies to show up in a blood test. This assay is based on glycoprotein G-2, purified from HSV-2 infected cells, and is specific for type 2 antibodies. But equivocal means that your test is not a strong indicator of being positive or being negative. As the blood tests are usually unreliable, and the swab test on a current outbreak is usually as accurate as it comes, I never had a blood test. In your. However, U.S. rates of infection with HSV-1 and HSV-2 declined between 1999 and 2016, according to the CDC. HSV-2 Negative: A negative serologic test for HSV-2 usually means no HSV-2 infection, unless the infection was acquired recently. Did the test 28days after the last . What Do My Test Results Mean? If you had gotten herpes 2 10 years ago then the blood test would show positive by now as it generally takes 3 - 4 months for the antibodies to show up in a blood test. If you have been exposed to the herpes virus then this test will be able to confirm whether or not you have herpes and it will be able to distinguish between Herpes type 1 and Herpes type 2. 1; adjective equivocal ambiguous 1; adjective equivocal If you are equivocal, you are deliberately vague in what you say, because you want to avoid speaking the truth or making a decision. And on the flip side would give those who do have it and can spread it a false peace of mind. Herpes is a viral infection spread by skin to skin contact, including during sexual activity. The test we paid for was the HSV IgG which is suppose to be the best. 3. level 2. The Herpes 2 IgG Abs test is highly accurate in screening for Herpes as it looks for antibodies which will last for the life of the infected person. And other than saying "he has been exposed" she did not confirm positive or negative. Repeat testing in 10-14 days may be helpful. Herpes is a virus with multiple strains; two strains, HSV-1 and HSV-2, cause oral and genital herpes. HSV-1 is the subtype that generally causes infections around the mouth while HSV-2 causes infections around the genitalia. The HSV 1 test results range may be. There are two types of the herpes virus; HSV-1 and HSV-2. What does the result of 1.07 equivocal for the blood test Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IgG, Type Specific Antibody (HerpeSelect) mean? So it sounds like I had the right test done, all things considered. This candida test is used to screen for antibodies the body develops in response to Systemic Candidiasis or Candida.Candida is another name for yeast, a fungus which is normally found in small amounts in the body.The immune system normally keeps Candida under control but in cases where a person is sick or taking antibiotics, the yeast may spread . It's because the herpes test produces both false negatives and false positives and therefore isn't reliable. Laboratory Testing. If a woman is in an Equivocal range and never has symptoms, she might not be infected. Sometimes people have an equivocal result because they are newly infected and are in the process of going from negative to positive. Nothibg which indicates towards herpes or any std. The herpes blood test varies in its reliability, so the meaning of a test result must be considered along with your medical history. There is a considerable homology between HSV-1 and HSV-2 antigens, so that antibodies formed against either virus are highly cross-reactive. An HSV blood test is a simple blood draw involving the following steps: An elastic band is placed around your upper arm to make a selected vein swell. Serologic, or blood, testing allows us to screen individuals for infection with herpes simplex. Test includes Herpes simplex IgG Type 1 (HSV1) and Herpes simplex IgG Type 2 (HSV2). Determine susceptibility to varicella. Test results should be interpreted in conjunction with the clinical evaluation and the results of other diagnostic procedures. In the case of HSV-1, kissing or oral sex can spread the . Not only that, but a culture's accuracy decreases dramatically after the first . 22,434 satisfied customers. An equivocal test result means the test cannot determine the presence of antibodies. This test is also administered to newborns suspected of being infected with neonatal herpes. Negative for everything except for herpes: HSV-1 3.12 positive HSV-2 1.08 equivocal The lab was Quest Diagnostics, which it appears uses Herpeselect for the IgG test that was ordered. Results of a herpes IgM test are usually reported as positive, negative, or equivocal. Laboratory testing is recommended to: Confirm suspected cases of varicella. HSV causes painful blisters or sores in different parts of the body. >1.10 positive. 0; adjective equivocal If something is equivocal, it is difficult to understand, interpret, or explain, often because it has aspects that seem . Blood test. There is no cure for herpes and it can only be controlled by medications and certain home remedies. There are two types of herpes simplex: Type 1 (HSV-1) and Type 2 (HSV-2). I am unsure why you are focussed on herpes simplex , your tests previously were negative, so you dont have herpes simplex. Herpes viruses infect the skin and/or mucous membranes. If repeating the original serologic test does not resolve the equivocal result, then a confirmatory test should be considered. Similarly, 75% of 75 true-positive samples exhibited indices >3.50 in both assays. Herpes Simplex Virus test is basically a blood test designed for the screening of genital herpes infection among those having genital sores or encephalitis. HSV type 2 is more commonly associated with genital tract and neonatal infections, while HSV type 1 is more commonly associated with infections of non-genital sites. I have no symptoms on my lips or genitals. My last question for you is I plan to get another IGG test as I mentioned to follow up on my Equivocal result. No temperature but body pain and headache,no itching,no rashes,no cold sores.

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