guinea pig lethargic but eating

1 Ileus is caused when gas builds up in the gastrointestinal tract (stomach and intestines). I thought my guinea pig was sick. New Sow is a bossy little thing who has put Old Pig firmly in her place with a spot of rumbling and cabbage-stealing. Weigh your pig frequently, and don't ignore any change in appetite. Strawberries. Diet and proper vitamin C levels are important when it comes to keeping your pig's dental health and GI system running smoothly. Full-size leaves run the risk of falling to your guinea pig's enclosure's floor while they chew on them, which means a higher chance of the leaves getting contaminated again. A guinea pig may die suddenly of ketosis without ever demonstrating signs of illness. Jason Woods, the nonprofit's Americas regional program assistant, says guinea pigs which he says usually weigh no more than 2 pounds are twice as efficient as cows at turning food, like . Pay attention to how your pig is chewing, eating and producing stool at all times. As long as you can keep food running through her system.. Guinea pigs get various tumors, particularly skin and mammary tumors. Stroke Them With A Calming Hand. Cavy Slave. 4 See a veterinarian. Guinea pigs are generally hardy, healthy animals but are susceptible to certain diseases. I put a green bean in front of him and he ate it. facing a corner and being slow to respond. Meanwhile, misaligned teeth is a good indicator of malocclusion, another factor for loss of appetite. But even if left alone these seemingly innocent nibbles will turn into guinea pig tooth decay. So, if your guinea pig is on antibiotics, for whatever reason, offering some of the poop from another, healthy, guinea pig will help their body replenish the good bacteria that should be found within their digestive tract. Sick guinea pigs may show evidence of weight loss, hunched posture, abnormal gait, drawn-in abdomen, scruffy fur, or labored breathing. The symptoms may appear due to the existence of a skin alteration. Finally, remember to look for guinea pig-friendly dog breeds like Border Collies and Great Pyrenees if you plan to own both pets. Guinea pigs are usually social and active, so if they're not exploring the area a lot, this could be a sign of illness, pain, depression or anxiety. 129. Even large wheels might not be helpful. Diagnosis and Treatment. Loss of balance. The truth is, it is not a good choice. . When nearing death, forming a closer relationship with your guinea pig is very vital. 3. Weight loss, appetite loss, lethargy, fur loss, or change in overall behavior also indicates something wrong is going on inside your guinea pig. Limping. If your guinea pig is refusing to eat, you can always take a few poops from a healthy guinea pig and mix them up in some . Guinea pigs should drink 10% of their body weight in water, and can only last 24 hours without any water (time is dependent on climate). Other symptoms of scurvy include swollen joints, weakness, and lacking energy. If your guinea pig is dying due to physical trauma or painful parasitic skin infection, this may not be suited for them. A gentle and soothing stroke is an excellent method to achieve that. His breathing seems okay. Yes, guinea pigs can eat raisins but in very little quantity. Deep, relaxed means that your guinea pig is comfortable, while the highest can be annoying sounds. The life span of guinea pigs generally lies between 5-8 years. This means a guinea pig who is unwell (not eating normally or seems sick in any way) always needs urgent treatment they are usually much sicker than they are able to show. If your guinea pigs feel troubled or if they are in pain, they will scream. If you see your guinea pig hasn't touched its food and you are seeing fewer and smaller stools being passed, your guinea pig may have ileus. Happier update: we now have a new young friend (thought to be around 4-5 mths) for lonely survivor pig. The only lettuce that guinea pigs cannot eat is iceberg lettuce, and that is because the nutritional value in iceberg lettuce is so low, that it is more nutritious to eat hay. Be careful not to add sugar or other sweeteners to your guinea pig's drinking water. For that reason, it is VERY important that a sick pig who has stopped eating sees an exotic vet, experienced with guinea pigs, ON THAT VERY DAY. Guinea pigs are known to eat quite a bit. Quick Breathing. Some of the most common symptoms linked to this are fever, stomach cramps, and diarrhea. These additives could upset his stomach. On top of this, cooking broccoli can cause a loss of important nutrients, making the veggie less beneficial for our cavies. Yes, peanut butter can make guinea pigs sick. This is mainly because foxglove contains a poison called "digoxin" which in turn, can cause cardiac arrest. Jun 28, 2020 #1 Hi all, . This behavior does sound like she is sicker than she is letting on, which is common in guinea pigs. This is a great treat for your guinea pig. For example, you may notice a discharge coming from his eyes. Quick Breathing. Long Teeth: Guinea pig's teeth continuously grow, and when they grow too long, it becomes difficult to eat. Besides diarrhea anorexia, lethargic movements, and sudden death may occur. Press J to jump to the feed. They should be a bit firm, smooth and uniform in shape (normal pellets will look almost like plump grains of rice), and darkish brown. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts . Herbs - toxic. Guinea pigs should not eat grass clippings. Watery diarrhea. It's important to also use your own judgment when deciding if your guinea pig is sick, as she may not always display these common signs. The digestive system of Guinea Pigs does not really have peristalsis so the food has to be stuffed continuous to keep its system active. You could almost hear the sigh of relief from Old Pig, always the more timid of our original two: 'Someone's bossing me again! You can still feed your guinea pig freshly-washed, pesticide-free grass. Hair loss, excessive scratching. Branches & leaves - toxic. I tried to pet him, but he didn't want anything to do. Eating peanut butter can sometimes lead to significant complications over time. . Always wash broccoli before offering it to your pet. 2. 7. Guinea pigs are strict vegans, and cannot digest meat at all. Some of the symptoms of a sick guinea pig include: Reduced Appetite Difficulty Eating or Holding Down Food Weight Loss Excessive Drinking of Water Change in the Frequency of Their Pooping The Kook and Consistency of Their Faecal Matter Diarrhoea A sick guinea pig might also have laboured breathing, wheezing, and sneezing. 2. Fiber. The fiber from the lettuce pushes out the old fecal . Let the animals freely roam around your house. When nearing death, forming a closer relationship with your guinea pig is very vital. Grass clippings will ferment quickly. Cavies listen to their natural instinct and really like to eat what grows on ground - raw. However, chopping up the leaves into bite-size bits can make snack time less messy. They cannot make their own vitamin C and require supplementation or they may develop scurvy. Sometimes owners find this challenging; the following are some detailed tips and techniques that we find useful. Change in eating, drinking and toilet habits My male guinea pig who is about 9 months and lives with my other male who is about 4 months has been very lethargic lately, just wanting to hide. Not normally. Drooling. Recent surgical procedure There are some types of behavior you can observe while your guinea pig is sick. If they are sad or rather plump, it may be due to a lack of exercise. It could be caused by numerous reasons, the most common being food allergy. Due to the lack of normal peristalsis and no food coming into the digestive system, gas is unable to leave the body. The appearance of: pruritus, lesions, fat, scaling, scabs, alopecia, darkening or thickening of the skin or pads on your guinea pig, may appear localized or generalized. Scurvy. When 4 pm rolls around, both the pigs go crazy. Some common signs include: Weight loss Lethargy Depression Water and food laid out are untouched Loss of elasticity in its skin Rough hair If the loss of appetite is due to an infection, the guinea pig may have diarrhea or a fever. Eating even small amounts of meat can make them very sick. Adult guinea pigs should consume about 6 grams of dry feed/100 grams of body weight and 10 to 40 ml water per 100 grams of body weight. Similarly, oleander is also dangerous for guinea pigs. My Guinea pig is lethargic, won't eat and has watery eyes. Veterinarian's Assistant: I'll do all I can to help. Yes. Shallow, rapid breathing or panting can be a sign that guinea pig is in pain - especially if the pain is particularly intense. Grass clippings are toxic and harmful to them bringing about gastrointestinal blockages. If the guinea pig cannot be tempted to eat then syringe feeding is necessary. Blood in urine. If your pet is overweight, his fatigue may be a result of this. I would also check her teeth for overgrowth. 2. Unfortunately, similar to other diseases and infections, Guinea pigs can carry salmonella while still looking completely healthy, so you need to pay . Keep your pet healthy by monitoring his food and treats and keeping his intake at a normal level. 1. Also a cup of vegetables, a few pellets, and occasional treats. And he is very cute with his pink eyes and little sideways mohawk. To help monitor health, be sure to weigh your cavy weekly. Another symptom may be that they start to develop a fever and also have a loss of appetite. and light body weight are often general signs of illness. Left untreated, your guinea pig will eventually be unable to eat and will become seriously ill so it is vital you go to the vet as soon as you notice the problem. Diet plan. 1. Guinea pigs normally cannot go more than a few hours without eating, so if yours has not eaten at . . While syringe feeding formulas, pellets, and some foods are good sources of . Around 7 hours ago. He was eating and drinking normally up until yesterday. Problems Causing Your Guinea Pig Not To Eat Your guinea pig may be suffering from a disease due to which he has stopped eating and drinking. Causes Stress Train your dog to accommodate your guinea pig . Dog or Cat Food. Shallow, rapid breathing or panting can be a sign that guinea pig is in pain - especially if the pain is particularly intense. For caretakers of guinea pigs encouraging the proper techniques in handling, treating and raising cavies. Joined Oct 7, 2016 Messages 127. Yes - sweet potatoes can make a guinea pig sick, particularly if they are not introduced slowly. . If your guinea pig seems lethargic or bloated, or if they have stopped eating, drinking or pooping, call your vet right away. Guinea pigs that refuse to eat may need to be carefully fed by syringe with a soft diet (a commercial critical care diet, vegetable baby food, or a pureed pelleted diet). But, offering your guinea pig too much broccoli can lead to them leaving their less interesting pellets, and developing nutritional deficiencies. However, some guinea pigs, even if they look healthy, can carry harmful viruses and bacteria that's excreted in their poop. Pregnant or nursing guinea pigs need an average of 30-40mg of Vitamin C. A sick guinea pig may need 50, up to even 100mg of Vitamin C a day! Strawberry tops are a hit with most guinea pigs as well. They . In other cases, a sick guinea pig has worsening signs that can include loss of energy . Guinea pigs won't necessarily have trouble eating full-size spinach leaves. If your guinea pig is in good health and you keep his cage cleaned, then his poop probably won't make your dog sick. When guinea pigs are stressed it can make them stop eating. Skin problems in guinea pigs. But today, the younger piggy was excited, but the older one stayed in his hut. But it is better to avoid feeding raisins to guinea pigs. Gastrointestinal Disease. Guinea pigs are very active pets. What Do Guinea Pigs Eat? Hay is the most important part of your cavy's diet. Stroke Them With A Calming Hand. He wouldn't move at all. A gentle and soothing stroke is an excellent method to achieve that. Water . Some guinea pigs may have always been lazy; if yours is this way, then his slowness may not be a sign that he is nearing the end of his life. Posted by 11 hours ago. 7. If a cavy becomes sick and refuse food it is important to solve the problem by stopping the disease quickly and spend time for force feeding by hand. Treatment can be hard on their systems ( antibiotics) or stressful (xrays and injections) . Guinea pigs are master at hiding their illness. Veterinarian's Assistant: Does the guinea pig seem to be in any pain? Following are the common problems guinea pigs suffer and break their eating routine. Apart from fresh grass, the guinea pigs can also be fed with other green leafy veggies and fruits. A normal healthy guinea pig can eat hay without stopping during the day. You can make an orange juice mixture by combining one part water with two parts freshly squeezed orange juice. Other sounds to hear actively are breathing sounds, including sneezing, puffing, snorting, and wheezing. Yes, guinea pigs can drink orange juice. This is Cookie, one of our three guinea pigs. This gives them loads of nutrients as well as dietary fibers that help in the smooth peristalsis of their bowel. Guinea pigs: Becomes lethargic and eat poorly Takes the feed for a long time and scatters it When chewing, part of the food falls out of the mouth Profuse saliva often Develops digestive disorders has blood streaks in saliva develops ulcers and fistulas on the cheeks Has purulent discharge from the nose and eyes Treatment Plans Your sick guinea pig may also eat less and move around less often as she begins to feel lethargic. . Skip to 03:35 for the home care information (still take them to the vets though! You want to make sure she is eating something every day, or she can get liver problems. Lethargy Guinea Pig not eating and lethargic. Fresh grass and green hay are the best foods that they can feed on. The middle pit of the mango is much too big and hard for your guinea pig to eat. When did you first notice this decrease in the guinea pig's appetite? Vitamin C helps maintain and build up a healthy immune system, so guinea pigs don't get sick often. For example, several years ago I had a lovely pair of female guinea pigs: Boo and Georgie. Feeding such foods can lead to obesity, which is extremely dangerous. If your guinea pig eats too much sweet potato at once, there's a risk of digestive distress. I'd rather feed her that than let her starve. I put some food near him and he ate it. When guinea pigs die, mainly due to sickness, they might whimper or make a high-pitched sound unwillingly. The jars I got were just pureed carrots. When guinea pigs are dehydrated they may start having low energy and become clumsy. . When did you first notice this decrease in the guinea pig's appetite? Not eating, not moving and decreased fecal production . Guinea pigs need to move! Skin infection and flystrike can also be a sign of a life-threatening condition. Some people will put a wheel in their cage, but you need to be careful with this as some believe that wheels are bad for guinea pigs as it may harm their spine. Yes, guinea pigs can definitely eat grass. If you notice that your guinea pig is not eating as much or is not eating any of its food then this is definitely a sign for you to take your pet to be examined. Answer (1 of 8): I ordered critical care on Amazon, but it hasn't come in yet. Fruits - toxic. When a guinea pig does not eat, no matter what caused the anorexia, it also develops liver disease called hepatic lipidosis. Oxbow is a trusted brand of supplemental . Our guinea pigs live in this apartment for almost 4 years and never had any problems. If a guinea pig consumes peanut butter, the fats in the peanut butter may be difficult to digest. Guinea pigs should have unlimited, 24/7 access to high-quality grass hays. The most identifiable symptom of diarrhea in your guinea pig is the loose, soft, and unformed fecal pellets it will leave in its cage. I got $.79 baby food jars of carrots, and my piggy is eating it. turned out she wanted the walmart brand of hay. A healthy guinea pig will eat its food constantly, so if you notice any changes in the eating pattern, you should be aware of it. If the guinea pig cannot be tempted to eat then syringe feeding is necessary. The tests may include the following: Your veterinarian will perform a physical examination including feeling the abdomen and an oral exam. By the time serious symptoms appear, a guinea pig has likely been sick for a while. This may be due to the presence of: parasites, fungi or some endocrine disorder. Strawberries are a yummy treat for guinea pigs. . If a guinea pig stopped eating its hay, vegetables, pellets, and treats, it can affect its digestive system quickly. Hay, vegetables, fruits, branches, herbs and other plant. She may have already started to develop them, and that is why she is feeling bad. Watch if you have a poorly guinea pig who is not eating! The first one is the eating pattern. My Guinea pig is lethargic, won't eat and has watery eyes. Salmonella is usually spread to humans by infected reptiles and rodents, including Guinea pigs. There are a lot of reasons for a Guinea pig to stop eating such as stress, lack of water, vitamin C deficiency, surgical procedure or illness, so you have to discover the cause on time to fix it, so your Cavy starts eating normally. His breathing seems okay. Waiting a day or two before going to the vet allows the infection/illness to have a stronger hold on their little body. 11. Since guinea pigs can't eat meat, this also disqualifies any kind of kibble, treats or other foods you would feed to your cat, dog, or ferret. Hence, a guinea pig's diet must contain an appropriate amount of vitamin c. Vitamin c supplements like chicory and red, yellow and green bell peppers must be included. Salmonella. Dogs can get sick from eating guinea pigs suffering from diseases like ringworm, pneumonia, and other ailments. While syringe feeding formulas, pellets, and some foods are good sources of . Here are some of the most common poisonous plants to guinea pigs: Foxglove (Digitalis) can be very dangerous for your guinea pig if they ingest it. Yes. It can cause a spike in blood sugar level or indigestion. . This is because grass clippings are contaminated with dirt, weeds, bird droppings, and mower exhaust. He loves to eat cabbage! It is especially important that this requirement is met for a sick gp. But even if left alone these seemingly innocent nibbles will turn into guinea pig tooth decay. not eating. If your guinea pig is dying due to physical trauma or painful parasitic skin infection, this may not be suited for them. There is very much you can feed your Guinea Pigs. Lack of space, illness, too much noise, inappropriate handling, or too much petting are all triggers for stress. 2. Guinea Pig Wheezing When Eating. Close. For instance, Whistling; The guinea pigs often roar or whistle, and the sound means that your furry friend is happy, perhaps at mealtime or playtime. Your guinea pig's eyes may look crusty from the discharge. As the disease progresses, may become lethargic, weak, and unable to walk. Guinea pigs also get abscesses (accumulations of pus and bacteria) in lymph nodes, skin, muscles, teeth, bones, and internal organs. This is why the guinea pig cannot eat and masticate the food normally, which leads to poor appetite. A couple of the most common viruses and bacteria in guinea pig poop includes . In case you want to know more on reasons why guinea pigs stoped eating how to fix it please keep reading. So, on top of whatever is causing the disease, you now have liver disease to contend with in this little guy. This discharge may be yellow or green if he has an infection. Guinea pig poop can also be harmful if the animal is sick. Guinea pigs are nervous animals and may refuse to drink or eat for a period after any significant change in their location, feed, or husbandry. They are . Often by the time they are able to show they are so sick that they become lethargic or unresponsive, the prognosis is grave and they may not respond favorably despite the . So, it is important to keep an eye on the activities of the guinea pig after feeding . A: It does sound like your guinea pig is very, very sick. Thread starter Mike221; Start date Jun 28, 2020; Mike221 Well-known member.

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